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Sixth Form Advantage Programme 2024/25

Friday 20th September, 1:00pm to Thursday 10th July, 4:00pm





A new 16-19 support service in partnership with HFL Education, designed to empower Sixth Form leaders by optimising funding and curriculum opportunities, providing CPD through an 8-session programme and facilitating valuable networking connections. This programme focuses on key management strategies, compliance with ESFA and Ofsted requirements, curriculum planning and delivering high-quality CPD to ensure successful and sustainable Sixth Form provision.

Facilitator: Suki Gill

16-19 Curriculum and Funding Adviser for HFL The programme is led by Suki Gill, a national expert in 16-19 funding, curriculum and compliance with 20 year’s experience in the sector. Suki has a proven track record of assisting 16-19 providers with optimising funding opportunities , helping schools check their funding allocations and census data to reveal any errors or missed opportunities. Suki’s expert and forensic approach often leads to significant funding gains for schools and provides reassurance that the correct level of funding is being received.


Key Details

Suitable for: Sixth form leads and relevant members of their teams 

Duration: 1 year of 1:1 consultancy support and 8 CPD sessions

Price: £1500 (discount available for sixth forms with less than 200 students)


Through detailed analysis and tailored consultancy support, the Red Kite Sixth Form Advantage Programme will deliver significant impact to your school. The package of 1:1 consultancy support will include:

  • Annual review of final sixth form funding allocation
  • Checks on individual funding factors within the 16-19 funding formula
  • Checks on sixth form census data
  • Identifying and exploring curriculum provision to exploit funding opportunities


1:1 Consultancy support combined with a CPD Programme

September 2024: Autumn Census

In person, 1-4pm on Friday 20th September

October 2024: Sixth Form Leadership

Webinar, 1-4pm on Tuesday 8th October

November 2024: Support for disadvantaged students

In person, 1-4pm on Thursday 28th November

January 2025: Checking your 16-19 Funding

In person, 1-4pm on Wednesday 22nd January

March 2025: 16-19 Funding Allocations

In person, 1-4pm on Thursday 13th March

April 2025: Ofsted

Webinar, 1-4pm on Tuesday 29th April

May 2025: Sixth Form Recruitment and Retention

In person, 1-4pm on Wednesday 21st May

July 2025: 16-19 Bursary Support

In person, 1-4pm on Thursday 10th July

Brought to you in partnership with HFL Education

HFL Education

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