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Initial Teacher Training

Red Kite 2021 (6)

Great teachers make great schools

We believe that school-centred ITT programmes bring the best new teachers into the profession

Immersing trainees in the school environment, alongside highly skilled teachers, enables them to think critically and make evidence supported decisions in the learning environment. 

Our region has excellent provision for university-led and school-based training leading towards Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Post-graduate and undergraduate programmes are available at both primary and secondary and across a number of subject and specialism areas, including SEND and part-time courses.  

Experienced teachers can also gain QTS through the Assessment Only (AO) route with some regional providers. 

2023-24 Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Engagement

All Teaching School Hubs have a responsibility to build knowledge of the ITT landscapes in their regions so that they can support teacher recruitment and retention. Red Kite Teaching School Hub is working with schools and lead providers to gather information and understand the context of ITT delivery in Harrogate, Hambleton, Craven and RichmondshireWe are committed to ensure children and young people in our region have the most committed and talented teachers at all stages of their education. 

Red Kite 2023 (066)

Providers in our region

"We have an opportunity to influence future generations of teachers, sharing best practice with them, supporting them in their early careers, and growing our own teachers for the future"

Partnership Headteacher

DfE Guidance

The DfE has published guidance to explain what schools need to do to offer initial teaching training (ITT) placements from September 2024.

Click here to access

Case Studies

Teaching School Hubs nationwide have shared their positive experiences from engaging with ITT:

Calderdale and Kirklees Teaching School Hub - Benefits of Engaging with ITT

Saffron Teaching School Hub - Next Steps on School Engagement in ITT for TSHs

South Farnham SCITT - The Benefits of Engaging with ITT for Primary Schools

Red Kite Education

Red Kite Teaching School Hub is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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