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National Professional Qualifications FAQs

What is the time commitment?

Leadership NPQs are delivered over 18 months and Specialist NPQs over 12 months. During this period, you will attend regular online seminars, complete online study (an hour or so of preparation per seminar) and attend two full-day in-person conferences. In addition, leadership NPQs include a one-day school/Trust visit.

How are NPQs assessed?

To pass, you need to have at least 90% engagement with the course, and complete a final 1,500 word case-study assessment exercise. The case study will contain information about a fictional school and you’ll be asked to apply the knowledge gained on your NPQ to analyse the information and answer the question. It’s an open-book assessment (so you can refer to modules and notes), completed within an eight-day assessment window.

Do I have to complete a final project?

No, the assessment process for the new NPQs has been refreshed to reduce the workload burden on teachers while still providing an opportunity to apply their knowledge. To pass, you need to have at least 90% engagement with the course, and complete a final case-study assessment exercise.

Is it only eligible for teachers?

No, the NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture is suitable for people without QTS if you are classroom-based and have an understanding of teaching and learning.

How do I get a TRN if I am not a teacher?

To apply for an NPQ, you need to register on the DfE portal. When you work through the DfE portal, there is an option to request a TRN if you have lost yours or you don’t have one. The DfE will issue a TRN for this purpose, even if you don’t have QTS.

Red Kite Education

Red Kite Teaching School Hub is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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