ECT - Early Career Teacher
A teacher in their first two years of teaching.
ECF – Early Career Framework
A framework of standards for early career teachers which underpins the statutory entitlement to early career professional development.
Full induction programme
A complete, funded programme for ECTs, based on the ECF, created by a lead provider and delivered by a delivery partner.
Lead provider
One of seven national providers accredited by the DfE to provide funded ECF training. These are University College London, Teach First, Education Development Trust, Ambition Institute, Best Practice Network, Capita and National Institute of Teaching.
Delivery partner
An organisation working with a Lead Provider to deliver their full induction programme to schools. The Lead provider will create the resources and programme, but the Delivery Partner will recruit schools, support them and deliver all the conferences and seminars to their teachers. Teaching School Hubs are the principal Delivery Partners nationally, and Red Kite is the Delivery Partner for UCL in our region.
Appropriate Body
The accredited body that oversees the statutory induction of Early Career Teachers and assesses whether they have met the Teachers’ Standards.
This is an online management system used by many Appropriate Bodies, including Red Kite. It is an efficient, paperless way to register ECTs for induction and submit assessments.
ECF Lead
The person who oversees the ECF programme in school and ensures the ECT and mentor are fulfilling the expectations. This is usually the same person as the Induction Tutor.
Induction Tutor
The person who oversees the ECT’s statutory induction and liaises with the Appropriate Body.
The mentor plays a significant role in supporting the ECT’s development. DfE funding is designed to provide capacity for the mentor to spend time every week with the ECT and attend training.